Do you feel burned by your work?

Wouldn’t you rather be lit up?

I am a career change coach helping professional women over 40 (and men too!) decide to stay or leave distressing work.

And then how to decide what they want next!

Is this you?
A professional over 40 stuck in an upsetting work situation? Confused and undecided about what to do?

As you push your salad around on your plate and anxiously look for the Zoom link of your next meeting, you wonder just how much longer you can stand to do this job that keeps changing! Everytime you get traction on delivering good work, the leaders change their minds. How can you possibly meet all of these conflicting demands?

— Yet another human stressed to the limit.

You eye the calendar on your desk as you suck down your second cup of coffee. You feel completely DONE with this job - maybe even this whole career. But what would you want to do instead? And how to make it happen? You feel lost. Isn’t hitting 40 supposed to bring wisdom?

— An experienced person desperate to find purpose.

You just left what you thought was a regular check in with your manager and are now in shock. It was a completely unexpected take down! Never have you heard anyone complain about your work and now you're suddenly faced with a laundry list of what can only be made up issues. What is happening here? What do you do?

— A professional person afraid at work.

It’s only one month into this new job that seemed so promising but every day brings more signs you may be in the wrong place. The leadership style is not as claimed and coworkers seem defeated. I thought I was sure of the fit. Can I make this work?

— A formerly optimistic person wondering what went wrong.

Now imagine a future where you’re fully THRIVING at work - not just surviving.

You log into LinkedIn and your fingers dance across the keyboard as you joyfully announce to your network the start of your new job. Hitting 40 woke you up! No more putting up with mentally unsafe workplaces - you deserve more and now have the confidence to get it.

It’s Sunday night and for the first time in forever, you feel calm and optimistic about the week ahead. No more downing a full bottle of wine to calm your nerves before another Monday approaches at “Toxic Corp.”.

It’s the first day of your new adventure in changing your career from something you just fell into to a true passion and deep purpose. You are thrilled that the decision process was fun and easy. No wasted time or money for you!

You’re headed to happy hour tonight and in such a good mood, you throw on that red sweater typically reserved for special occasions. This is one! You just gave your notice after months of indecision about whether to leave or stay in a job you had outgrown. You feel clear and at peace.

So how DO we decide what we want instead?

Most of us have never actually learned how to make good decisions.

I help with that by applying the principles of Design Thinking to help clients uncover what they really want and need in the next stage of their careers (and life!).

The diagram below is an overview of the Design Thinking process, a technique borrowed from the design world. In short: Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. It is most useful to tackle ill-defined or unknown problems and involves five phases: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test.

This means instead of doom scrolling LinkedIn open positions to see if something might be a fit - and then competing with many others doing the same things, I help you:

  • Identify your core life and work values

  • Take back your confidence

  • Generate multiple ideas for how to fulfill them

  • Articulate a core set of possible paths

  • “Prototype" them safely (ask questions/talk to people already doing the things) to clearly and confidently decide what you want next.

  • Implement your decision with accountability and support as needed with job searching (resumes, LinkedIn, interviewing, negotiating) or next steps in your new life plans

This also means no more leaps of faith OR settling for the same things that no longer fit. If I knew this method 20 years ago, I might have saved myself $80k on a grad school education that didn't answer those questions for myself. I am driven to help others get to their career fit with far less pain!

And, how does this translate to career change coaching?

“Becky is an exceptional coach, tapping into her human-centric intuition along with solid coaching methodology and training. Becky has helped me identify my values, non-negotiables, strengths and how to articulate them. I look forward to continuing to navigate my career with Becky as an advocate, encourager and one of the best humans I’ve had the opportunity to meet.”

-Tina B.

Hi, I’m Becky

You might be wondering why I do this.

I was you and you are me.

Starting each new job or career phase with such optimism, hoping THIS one will be different from all the rest.

Wondering if the anxiety I feel at work – regardless of “something happening” or not is normal, or if I can move past the last job’s terrible experience to fulfill my career dreams.

Completely confused about whether to stay or go find a new job - where the same things might happen all over again.

I was so impacted by what truly felt like PTSD from an early job experience at Microsoft, it has taken me years of therapy, coaching and even a grad school thesis to get over it:

To believe my own unique skills and abilities are valuable – not less than because I don’t code (or whatever else I’m just not).

To know for sure that the hurtful (and downright false) claims of bad, or even just negligent managers don’t define me.

To trust my own self-assessment of what I need and why.

To fully enjoy work again and count on my ability to handle any unexpected  change or downright toxic work situation again.

To thrive in my career. Not just survive.

I want this for you too.

I help professional women over 40 (and men too!) decide to stay or leave distressing work environments - and then how to decide what they want next!

Pick your path

  • Stay or Go With Confidence

    This is the Fireworks Coaching flagship 10 session coaching intensive to help you come to terms with your distressing current job or career situation.

    We rebuild your confidence, identify your core needs, and then clearly and safely DECIDE what to do about it!

  • Get Going Now - a La Carte

    In this 6 session private coaching program we take what you know you want to do and make it happen - with confidence and clarity.

    This is an a la carte option where we decide together what you need to get w.hat you decided you want.

  • Toxic Treatment SOS via Voxer

    What do you do when suddenly at the mercy of a bad leader’s treatment?

    Get real time and continual access to “urgent care” coaching via Voxer and get the support you need to advocate for yourself.

  • North Star Values Assessment

    Are you worried you’ve ended up in the wrong career spot and don’t know where to start?

    Take the North Star Values Assessment and in just 1 hour you’ll KNOW why you’re increasingly unhappy and anxious. Get actionable steps to start getting more satisfying work.