Stay or Go Table Talk

Join me for a FREE round table discussion with others going through similar career (and life) decision making around staying or leaving distressing work

Next up April 26: 12-1pm Pacific


Next up April 26: 12-1pm Pacific 〰️

Join me for a free round table discussion with others going through similar career (and life) decision making around staying or leaving distressing work. And learning to make better decisions about what to do about it.

I cover a new topic the last Friday of every month at 12 pm Pacific. If I have a guest speaker, the meeting will be recorded. If no speaker, then the conversation will be a safe and private space for those attending to share.

NEXT UP: April 26, 2024 from 12-1 Pacific time. Sign up below.

If you have questions about #distressingwork, a career change you might be contemplating, difficult co-workers, a challenging boss, or how to live a more satisfying life after 40, this is the place to ask.

Note: All Table Talks are NOT recorded to ensure a safe space for conversation. If you wish to ask a question but remain anonymous please submit your question to and I will answer it on the Table Talk anonymously.

I’ve been working with Becky for several months, and with her help, I’ve established my north star. I know now how to navigate my career through this murky world. Becky’s experience, intuition, and techniques helped me define my values and strengths, reignited my passions, and helped me develop a treasure chest of tools to navigate work and life. I highly recommend Becky as your coach.
— Katie V.