Can’t Leave Can’t Stay

"Ever been someplace you can’t leave and can't stay - all at the same time?"

That is a quote from the third season of the popular series, True Detective.
(I'm catching up on the show.)

I wrote it down as soon as the actor, Michael Greyeyes, uttered it.
Has there ever been a more accurate description of a #distressingwork situation?

There is confusion and angst and frustration and hopelessness all wrapped up in those words.
Both in the TV show - and in the world of work.

It's hard to know where to start when that sentence rings true for any of us.

It could be tomorrow when you first open your work email.
Or in Monday's staff meeting.
Or after reading your performance review.
Or while contemplating another year/decade of doing more of the same thing.

How do you start to untangle this conundrum?
Should you stay or should you go?
What is even happening?

It's really hard to figure it out on your own.
Thinking and pondering alone doesn't get you very far.

Let me help.

I coach professional women (and people!) over 40 on deciding to stay or leave #distressingwork.

Not sure where to begin?

💡Free intro call
💡Articulate your values to start- >Low commitment high return for the $99 North Star Values Assessment
💡Untangle where you are and turn it into what you need with 1:1 personalized coaching

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Journeying towards fulfillment


Inner Fear Baby