Inner Fear Baby

What do you do when you feel too traumatized to go back into the corporate world? But you need work?

Start with deciding who you are going to listen to.

Your inner fear baby? Wrap her/him/them up in a down comforter and keep reading.

Your inner critic or saboteur? That voice slapping you in the face with your failures and faults?

That you can do something about right now:

Go take the Positive Intelligence quiz (link in comments) and find out what flavor of saboteur has got you by know.

Knowledge is power. Awareness leads to new action.
I include both in all of my #careerchangecoaching programs

We start with confronting these stressful voices and kindly, empathetically, finding ways to weaken them.

And we build up your inner (and outer) strength from there.

So you can feel strong enough to get the work you want and deserve.

Want your own custom coaching? We can do that.

Think you would do better as part of a group? Let me know if you want to be part of a cohort starting in March. Always free intro calls to find out more.


Can’t Leave Can’t Stay


What if it’s actually Easy?